[EGRACONS newsletter] Newsletter III

Egracons at EAIE 2015

The Egracons project has entered its final year. As a final celebration of the project's outcomes, the Egracons team will be at the EAIE 2015 in Glasgow that will take place on 15-17 September.

The project will have a stand where the project Steering Committee will provide tutorials for participants interested in how  to use the online tool and answer any questions ther emay be regarding the European Grade Conversion System, as well as a get-together to network and celebrate the project's achievements.

We would like to invite you to come by and meet us. We look forward to seeing you in Glasgow!



The European Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions

EGRACONS is mentioned explicitly and its website linked on page 49 of the new ECTS users guide and is also mentioned over the European Recognition Manual for Higher EducationInstitutions  page 56 and 57, a document which is also referenced at the new ECTS users guide (page 16).





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