Grading table instructions and template
If you are new to Egracons or want to find out why it is important to use the tool, click here first !
The Egracons Conversion tool is still fully operational and open to all Higher Education institutions (also outside Europe) as long as they have Erasmus+ or other student exchanges. It is completely free. Even though the project itself is over, the tooll continues to be fully supported. It will also be developed further at a later stage as part of Erasmus without Paper ecosystem.
In order to join as a contributor an Institution of Higher education has to take the following steps:
- A database query has to be performed on the central student database of the university holding the grades (marks) that all the students have obtained over the last 2 or 3 years. For more info click here or see INSTRUCTIONS FOR GRADING TABLE TEMPLATE.
- The collected data have to be entered manually or copied and pasted from the query into one of the 2 versions of the Egracons Excel data template: GRADING TABLE TEMPLATE (Manual entry), GRADING TABLE TEMPLATE(Copy and Paste). Always make sure you have the latest version. No other Excel documents can be used. The data have to be collected by degree (in numbers, not percentages) and linked to ISCED codes (see: HOW TO APPLY ISCED CODES). We have also provided an example of each version of the filled-in template: EXAMPLE GRADING TABLE TEMPLATE (manual entry); EXAMPLE GRADING TABLE TEMPLATE (copy and paste).
- You send the grading tables to Egracons (valere.meus (at)
Once your grade distribution tables have been uploaded you can register for the tool at
You have to regsiter with an official mail address of your university (to avoid fraud), so e.g. gmail addresses are not allowed. You will also have to use a password.
Be aware that you cannot register as a user if the system does not have the grading tables of your university or university college. It does not make sense to try and convert grades if your own university's grades are missing.
We will then activate your registration and assign you the role of Converter. If you want to be able to Upload your grading tables yourself and/or manage the users of your institution, we can also assign you the roles of Uploader and/or Local Administrator. You should contact Egracons in that case.
Afterwards you can start using the tool.
To better understand how the Tool works, you can watch a few short demonstration videos here.
If you would like more documents to help you, or need more explanation, please contact the project team.