EGRACONS WORKSHOP Presentation still available

The Egracons Project organised a workshop "Grade Conversion Made Easy: Egracons and the ECTS" during the EAIE Conference 2016 in Liverpool on 13 September 2016.
This workshop explained the principles and practicalities of grade conversion so that participants can convert host-institution marks for inclusion on home-institution transcripts. Through this hands-on training, participants learned to develop institutional grading tables utilising ECTS 2015 recommendations as well as how to work autonomously with the free Egracons grade conversion tool.
Learning objectives:
- generate a grading table from home data and estimate time and resources required;
- develop confidence in using and speaking about the Egracons tool;
- advocate for the adoption of standardised grade conversion at your and partner HEIs.
More information about the event available at:
The presentation is still available below.