How to join?
If your university already participates in EGRACONS (see list of participating institutions here), please sign up, your local administrator will then confirm your registration.
If your institution does not yet participate, here are the steps required to benefit from a reliable grade conversion tool:
- Collect the total amount of each passing grade obtained by your students over the last 2 or 3 years.
- Attribute an ISCED 2013 code to each programme of your institution
- Transfer the data in one of the two Excel templates below (either copy-paste, or manual entry)
- Send the document to EGRACONS
This 4-minute video shows you how to use the grading table templates (start the video at 0:35).
Once your grade distribution table has been sent, you can register here with an official email address of your university (gmail addresses, for example, are not allowed).
Once the grading table of your university is approved, EGRACONS will activate your registration. This will allow you to use the tool by loging in at