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Session about Egracons at HEION conference in Leuven

The Egracons project will be present at the Final Conference of the HEION project that will take place in Leuven, Belgium on 29-30 October 2013.
The event will focus on ECTS+ in Erasmus+ and current trends in ECTS for mobility and integration and its relevance for the consolidation of the Bologna process’. Valère Meus, project co-ordinator, will be a keynote speaker of the session Towards automatic grade conversion: another example how we can reduce our workload and better apply ECTS and Workshop leader of  Making statistics visible: using the functionality for information visualization.
The HEION project aims to enhance and generalize good practice in credit transfer in European HEIs by simplifying the administrative procedure surrounding the establishment and dispatch of the ECTS Learning Agreement.
To read more about HEION, please follow this link.