Call for Grading Tables for Online Grade Conversion Tool

The Egracons Tool has already proved its worth. The online grade conversion tool is fully functional and available to universities from all over Europe provided the institutions send their grading tables according to the template available on the website. After the grading tables are integrated in the tool, universities are given access to the EGRACONS grade conversion tool for comparison of grades with other universities and for sharing their feedback on the utility of the tool.
The Egracons team has prepared a number of files to help you with the development of grading tables. The Grading Table Template can be accessed at It offers the possibility of supplying the English translation of degree titles at the host university as well, as these are easier to understand by the people converting the grades at the home university.
The Grading Tables should be submitted to Valere Meus, the Egracons team leader. If you want to have a look at which universities are already participating, see the following link